Basic Principles of Tracking God©

Step One: Observation

How much we know about someone or something is directly related to the quality of the commitment we are willing engage in to explore everything that can be known about the subject. The more facets we examine of a person’s life, as we would a precious jewel, the more we understand them, appreciate them, and trust them. The same applies to our knowledge of God.


What do I see?

Read the story or passage as a whole more than once before beginning to apply the following principles. Make note of things that seem important to you, that seem out of place, or are moving through the story.


A. Observe areas where people are forced to make a decision


1. The tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-24)
2. Jesus healing the blind man on the Sabbath (John 9:1-41)
3. God faced with Israel’s golden calf at Sinai (Exodus 32:1-35 and 33:1-23)

B. Observe recurring patterns or themes


1. Women who initially can’t have children but later in the story they do

Sarah (Genesis 16:1-3; 17:15-22)
Rebekah (Genesis 25:19-23)
Rachel (Genesis 30:1-8; 17)
Samson’s mother (Judges 13:1-25)
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-20)

2. God’s dealings with His rebellious people (Genesis chapters 3, 4, 11)

C. Observe details that help focus one’s direction of study


1. Use of repetitive words or phrases: Mark —“immediately” and “straightway”
2. Descriptive details either expressed or left out


Oveview Chart

Principles Applied, page 2

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