Learn to Be a Bible Tourist"The story of the Bible is the record of God's acts—in history, in nature, and in the lives of people."
Check list for a Bible TouristStones to look under:Names (personal and geographical) Geographical locations (has this place been associated with other incidents?) Words
God's Design Revealed
Learn to see God's actions as recorded in the Bible as though you were a tourist visiting an incredibly fascinating place for the first time. As a tourist in a new country, you are very aware of your surroundings. You notice the tiny details of the landscape, the characteristics of the people that you meet, the smells of different foods and maybe animals. You take photographs and perhaps write your thoughts in a journal so you will remember what you've experienced on your vacation. Do the same with Bible study. Using Bible geography books and atlases, dictionaries or word books, and books on Bible customs and social activities, you can develop a new awareness of what it was like to live in Bible times. By beholding
What is Tracking God? |
Seeing More of God | Basic
Concepts |